How can you reduce dependence on Big Pharma?
Not many people will get through life without using any of their products, but there are many lifestyle choices that can lower your need for what they put out, or allow you to choose less burdensome or objectionable options in healthcare.
We’re convinced that you can obtain big health benefits from the weeds, and the first of these is from the very process of finding and learning about them. You’ll get some rays, fresh air, a nice walk, and some mud on yourself. Getting lost in the weeds beats Prozac, maybe even Chocolate! Even in the dead of winter, (the easiest time to travel wooded areas) go out, dig below the leaves or snow, and see what’s trying to grow. In this season the plants teach resiliency and steadfastness
Weeds have to take all the hits from nature, disease, weather, predation, standing still. Their adaptation and survival depends upon them being veritable factories of protective molecules, many of which are also useful to us. Learning the general character of the plant components that you are seeking will guide you in preserving and/or extracting them to obtain the maximum benefit. Weedom will help you to obtain more good-stuff from less plant material.
As this resource expands you’ll have access to the best, kitchen based ways to preserve and store plant components that you want, so that benefits can be obtained out of season. Yep- home chemistry.
Our weeds are growing at the interface of zone 5 and 6 in the beautiful flyover country, U.S.A., but many, whether native or naturalized, are very widely distributed. We’ll be showing you some very common plants can be used for nutrition and support of good health, and how to grow and use some less common ones.
There will be a seasonal focus in presenting the plants, to get you over the hurdle of identifying the good ones. Botanical knowledge offered here will be not only for finding the plants, but for assisting them in their mission of continuance in a natural, give-and-take relationship. Some plants need more help than others.
Even with necessary technical info that will emerge here, we hope to present in a relaxed style to make the learning fun as well as useful. Take time to get friendly with the plants and the techniques. Handling the weeds themselves will help to permanently plant the knowledge of them and their gifts into your memory.
Weedom attributes the gifts of the natural world to its Creator. Respect for Creation and Creator go hand in hand.
We don’t like to hurt your eyes with it, but Weedom, like all other herbal information sources that seek to survive in a world with too much government oversight, has a disclaimer.
By reading or listening to Weedom's material, or interacting at this blog, you acknowledge or agree that:
You are responsible for your own health care decisions, and will do your own research, and choose a qualified practitioner to diagnose and treat you when needed. Information here will not be a cause for delaying or avoiding necessary care.
(Herbalists are not licensed or recognized practitioners by governments within the USA, where this blog originates.)
What can be found here is general education and information,which might not apply to specific individuals, with their unique medical and pharmaceutical histories, allergies and sensitivities.
Weedom presents possible uses of natural products with no guarantee that each particular person can safely do this. (This is also the case for government approved pharmaceuticals.)
The practice of medical diagnosis nor treatment does NOT happen here.
The FDA does not evaluate most herbs for efficacy or safety.
Herbs don't always deliver the same amount of active ingredients from batch to batch, because of natural variability and growth conditions.
You thoroughly investigate, research, and/or consult a local expert before eating or otherwise applying any wild plant.