Not sure if we have these in Aus. Havent seen any of them around at all.

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Garlic Mustard is one of my favorite wild edibles... so much so that I have been tempted to plant it. But, I haven't for the reasons you mentioned. I don't know... I may transplant some into some containers someday.

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Ya, since you truly cook, you would be able to really apply this plant.

Probably garlic mustard can be a worse issue in the woodlands for such low growing plants as the trillium and cutleaf toothwort, etc.

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Some people might say you were spared, because they will, at least for a period of time inhibit some of the native plants, till things re-equilibrate.

I believe that they require a significant cold snap to complete their biennial cycle, they're a zone 4-8 plant. There are a couple zones in Australia where they might make it if you receive the 'gift'.

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