Beware serious harms while gathering small helps. Thank You for work published on substack .

First it important to understand - REALLY UNDERSTAND - tick bites can be life changing, life ending serious. Do not get bit in the first place and do not get bit again if possible.

From what I read of studies to assess tick bite reduction strategies, done with people actually working in the woods using the, "state of the art" methods (such as they are) - the result is that within too few years the failure rate is near 100% - most all will have a tick bite. What is needed is a truly tick proof coverall .

The need of the hour is a tick bite reduction strategy that is near 100% effective over a good length of time, usable, comfortable and cost effective, with the result that most all will be able to spend safe and enjoyable time in nature free from the tick bite and free from the bites of other insect pests. So in addition to such failure prone strategies so often recommended, what is needed is a truly tick proof coverall.

Such as, a portwest iona c814 or other, lightweight one piece cotton coverall with foam or fiber filled (perhaps including a full diameter plastic ring) fabric "tubes" sewn in circumferentially to the interior of the arms and legs and body of the garment to provide a stand off space from the body for bite through protection, additional bite through fabric or coating where body movement brings the coverall tight to the body AND coverall "attachments" ie. tick proof noseeum mesh oversocks or? attached to the inside of the pant leg, noseeum mesh gloves attached to the inside of the sleeves, which can be covered with work gloves or other attached appropriate tick proof gloves, and attached under collar stored tick proof noseeum mesh fabric veil to be used over a hat of your choice - all either tick proof sewn in or tick proof attachable/detachable with velcro or flange plastic zip lock zipper. A very near 100% tick-proof / bug proof over the long term, even for the tiny nymph stage tick, coverall which can then ,if desired, also be sprayed and treated. Nothing less makes sense with the multiple tick diseases, some very severe to fatal and without known and readily available treatment, POW for instance which is now in high concentration in the area of our northern Minnesota Tree Farm, and in consideration of what may be coming.

I have searched to no avail. Looks to me, at this time, to be a do it yourself "homemade" project.

An older "tree farmer" - needing and desiring to work in the woods for some years and stay TICK and bug bite DISEASE FREE.

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I'm sort of dealing with the ticks the same way I dealt with COVID, when everyone was scared to death of it. Went to work anyway.

Pulled about six ticks so far this year and got a bunch more before they dug in.

What do you think of the results of this study.??


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I grew up playing in the woods and fields and worked outside much of my adult life. I remember pulling 100+ ticks off one of our black labs on the way home from "up north" crushing each one between thumb nail and middle finger then putting my hand out the car vent window to flick off the dead tick. No lyme disease then. Times have changed. Normal now to find a high percentage of ticks in an area are carrying one or more infectious disease agents. POW has changed the game in my area. With high severe disease and fatality rate and current "no known treatment" for POW, professed by the obedient, follow the protocol, do as you are told, so called "doctors" unless a Real Doctor treats early ......... .

"Positive IgG antibodies were seen in 248 (26.1%)" "Six months ... (an additional) 45 (8.1%) had seroconverted from negative to positive." (of these 45 seroconverted) "Only 1 (2.2%) developed clinical Lyme borreliosis"

This study shows, as does much research, that once "lime" (or other disease?) gets established in the area tick population within in a few years a large percentage of "outdoor people" most following"normal" community standard tick "protocols" will get infected.

(of these 45 seroconverted) "Only 1 (2.2%) developed clinical Lyme borreliosis" Does this mean the local lyme variant is of low virulence? Do they have a well established practice of effective early treatment? Are their symptoms and disabilities declared "not clinical Lyme borreliosis" and ignored? This tells me nothing about lyme "adverse events" in this group.

I do know that of the last three people I know that developed diagnosed lyme , my 2 closest neighbors and 1 cohort , all 3 have had long term difficulties.

I have worn state of the art respiratory protection from the 1970's for my work in the trades.

I was fortunate when sars-cov-2 was released and covid was killing so many of my age. I had a never opened case of boxes of 3M 8210+ N95's in storage which I passed out to family, friends and neighbors, and a box of 20 on the work bench and a metal coffee can with a partial box of N95's for the tool trailer. I knew what these "masks" could do. I later watched a real time test showing with normal use , just put the N95 on and simply adjust a bit for fit, I could expect to stop over 99.5% of single cov-2 virus size test particles with these "masks". Hospital personal working the "red" covid wards stopped getting covid when they switched from "bogus" masks to these respirator category masks. I read up, spent $40 to set up and made my own antiviral .5% povidone-iodine in homemade sterile saline oral / nasal sprays and made up antiviral 1% Johnson's regular baby shampoo in saline for, nasal flush with a 8 ounce NeilMed nasal flush , antiviral mouthwash/gargle and antiviral eyewash. (I later added a 12% Xylitol in PLAIN sterile filtered water spray for use just before the iodine spray). When I needed to go into "shared air" I sprayed put on a real "mask" and put the side shields on my normal looking glasses safety glasses. When I got home I washed my hands face and glasses and used 1 bottle, 15 cents worth of my homemade antiviral nasal flush, mouthwash/gargle, eyewash. Small precautions really eliminated the covid fear for me.

I was fortunate, I never had the lock-down experience, I never got covid, I learned enough to be able to stock up early treatments if needed, and read up enough to know to elect prevention with early treatment backup and avoid all "vaccines" for coronavirus as the past history of all attempts to make a vaccine for sars-cov, failed, despite all making lots of antibodies, because with every "vaccine" once exposed vaccinated animals developed more severe disease than those unvaccinated. And all attempts to bring a Mrna product to market had failed because of safety.

So easy to stop so much disease before it ever happens, but then, the population of the world is made up of people.

May all your tick bites be - from tics that are "disease agent" free.

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Thank you for your good wishes. Prayers that you also are successful in your health endeavors. We grew up in similar circumstances, including having a terribly tick plagued dog. Ours ran as he pleased through the woods, with us and on his own. We bagged and burned his nasty ticks, and flushed our own down the toilet.

I'm beginning to think that people respond in a very individual fashion to Lyme disease, which is also said to be present in our area. I suspect that it "arrived" long ago, is endemic, but was only recently recognized, and many prescribers still refuse to test for it. I also suspect that people respond in very individual fashion to Lyme, and that the allopathic health care system does not know how to correctly address it.

People also respond in an individual fashion to COVID, though the causative agents are very different.

I am a recent refugee from 'corporate health care', and my experience on the inside, (which I called "COVID central") with regard to the masks is much different. Since N-95s leak very quickly in actual use, I did not place faith in them for stopping viruses, plus they made breathing a more laborious job. During the 2020 period with the most COVID and the mask shortage, I wore the flimsiest paper masks supplied from my own stash (for working with high dust jobs on the farm), which lasted through the shortage. Fellow health care professionals used various low quality masks for up to a week at a time, breathing in their own snot and gut flora. For the rest of the time, I adhered to the minimum mask requirements at work as they evolved, and wore nothing as I conducted home and outdoor business in the relatively free county of my residence. Masks at most small businesses became optional.

We will not know actual COVID numbers comparatively, from that time, since the PCR tests were so bad. I was never off work with a positive COVID test, or for any sickness during the almost 3 year period, but most of my colleagues were. Absences due to positive COVID tests continued despite their COVID jabs and the end of the mask shortages, but the quarantine periods were necessarily shortened due to staff shortage. (This, at least to some degree bears out the prior veterinary experience which you highlighted.)

My approach was good nutritional support of my immune system, reasonable personal hygiene, and trying to do what the Creator wants. I'll be exercising a similar approach for the rest of the plagues, both real and exaggerated, that afflict us. Hopefully more ethical treatment protocols will be permitted in the future.

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