Now these I have seen even here, but only in one place: in an unmown nature strip behind Macquarie University Hospital. I wanted to get some flowers for my wife to try because she always gets digital ulcers.

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Ouch! Digital ulcers are the worst. Sending prayers from weedom for your wife.

I can see why you're interested in this weed!! I was digging among the mechanisms for smooth muscle relaxation last night, and it's really extensive. Red Clover has numerous compounds which can contribute to that effect- which explains the old use for cough, respiratory problems, and especially for circulation.

Due to related mechanisms, some of the pulmonary hypertension drug$$$ have "evidence" basis to mitigate the problem of digital ulcers.

Rotten or fungus infected red clover also seem to be the main source of the blood thinning warnings, so I think spring time, newer growth weeds are the best quality, and with generally low incidence of safety issues.

There's a good deal of literature on various nutraceuticals and plants with potential for this smooth muscle relaxation effect, and I bet you've already found some. Not a local weed, but we have a little Scutallaria biacalensis, and the baicalin in that plant looks really interesting too for multiple useful effects.

Red clover has potential for multiple articles, as do most other herbs. (We sort of have to keep people's eyes from glazing over.)

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